Helping meet the needs of those affected by disaster.

Each year, disasters such as floods, fires, and landslides detrimentally impact the lives of Skagitonians. Together, we can move toward recovery.

Our mission is to assist in identifying unmet needs of people affected by disaster in Skagit County and to coordinate equitable access to resources so that all residents can move toward recovery.

Impacted by disaster?

Disasters come in all forms. The Skagit Long-Term Recovery Coalition (SLTRC) was formed after the devastating flood hit Skagit County in 2021. Our partners recognized the significant need of those impacted and that the support required for recovery and resilience demanded a community effort. Not all disasters will be federally declared, and our goal is to coordinate resources for Skagit residents affected by any natural disaster.

If your home or business has been affected by disaster, contact us today.

Ready to take action?

The path to recovery and resilience is only possible with the support of our community. Whether you volunteer your time, join a committee, or make a monetary or material contribution, we need you on our team.

"We live in the best community in the world. We are doing our part to help it become more resilient."

— Erik Larsen, SLTRC Chair

Our Partners

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